The main character of “ola bola”, Chow Kwok Keong, casted by JC Chee, is a hot-headed national level defender. He is passionate about football, even though he got his own job, he still want to join football training everyday in order to achieve his dream to enter Moscow Olympic Game. Apart from that, he is an arrogant captain due to his good football defending skill, thus he is being called ‘tauke’ which mean boss. He loves his family so much, where he has 1 mother and 3 younger sisters. He is a good lover too! He will go to funfair to meet his girlfriend every night and send her home safely.

hew wooi kean 1001335533

Candide is the 8 basic stories which learnt from this 2 movie, "The Revenant" and "Ola Bola". The candide story might different but the total of stories are trying to telling us to think positive for every bad matters during in accident happens and not going to giving up in our life. The purpose of this 2 movie are gave recall/ create evoke memory to viewer and to feel the human life.
"The Revenant" movie is one man's epic adventure of survival stay in wilderness jungle and hunting the animals to take their fur for making the human coat. The story containing the cruel & bloody when they going to shoot/hunt the animals and how glass(main character from revenant movie) to revenge the person who are killed his son. The simulate detail part of the story are showing how painful glass hurting by beers, how despair his gets at the bad environment and how he survive surround with the disappointing people. A lot of people are despise them (glass and his son) and they was keep track by Arikara people. Glass was injured several few times and his team was give up to rescue him. But he was brave and self reliance stay in bad environment. He was not give up his journey to get back his campaign and he was success to hurt John Fitzgerald and finally killed by Arikara people.

angry & helpless when his son was killed by John Fitzgerald

painful & irritate part when glass attacking by beer

self reliance in bad environment
"Olabola" movie story is a sport movie from Malaysia film and the candide approaching might different with "The Revenant". It's recall football fans memories during in 1980 Olympic competition. The story are pure and simple to viewers. During in that time, how they ignoring & be jealous Eric to take over the no.10 position, how naive they are to win for participate Moscow competition, how optimism they are facing the hopelessness, how hunger they are for victorious to make proud to their family. That's touch through our heart and inspire from their teamwork in this movie. From the beginning, Tauke (Chow Kok Keong) is an arrogant guy and he always pushing his team to get the lost the qualifying match to Korea back in 1976. Eric start as a striker instructed by new coach and he always exclude by his teammate. Cai is a backup team and he doesn't appearances in 8 years competition field. He was naive and ridiculous man. But he have make self improvement on his match skill and hope that will helps his team in one day competition field. They have to make their target and archive their goals. Just like Muthu want be do something better than nothing and to make proud to his family. They have gets rigorous training from local soldier campaign. It's quite hard but they're get learnt the team work and "I cover you" when a team member is in trouble. They're happy and qualified their performance. Then coach was send them to participate several competition and they're give an amazing results in their performance.

football team memories

rigorous training touch

shooting places/ location to recall memories
From this 2 movies, It's have inspiration formula and viewer emotion consideration from the beginning until the end. So, it's won't be feel boring and tired. In the beginning, they may give viewer to understand the characters position, setting of goal and the environments of the candide. 2nd stage, they might bring all viewer to move on the process/ story content and what characters are doing in this story. With the sound effects and human acts might attracting viewer to give some interesting and curious what happening in the end part. Then, they make use the cool/natural environment to cool down the scene and to give some different emotion to viewers. At the end part, they putting hard to all characters and make some visual changes from the viewers. Heavyweight graphic and sound effects are plan, it's to make the story content and the characters to be focus and make achievement/satisfy for their goals.
Hugh Glass
A fur trapper, fur trader, hunter. He was badly injured by a grizzly bear and abandoned by his party members.His son was killed by Fitzgerald
John Fitzgerald
A fur trapper, fur trader, hunter. The antagonist. He tried to kill Glass, when Glass is injured. He did not keep his promise to let Glass have a proper burial and he killed Glass son Hawk.
Captain Andrew Henry
Captain of the fur trapper. He is the friend of Hugh Glass. He was very angry when he known Fitzgerald betray the promise. He was killed by Fitzgeald when he accompany Glass to catch Fitzgerald.

The Set Up
In 1820s America, frontiersman and fur trapper Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his teenage son Hawk (Forrest Goodluck) join a pelt-gathering expedition. However, their party are attacked by Arikara Native Americans, who kill a number of the men. Glass then tries to lead the remainder of the group to safety, charting a new path to a U.S. fort.
key development
about the story
The Revenant tells a story of how revenge corrupts. The Revenant is ultimately a tale of servival grounded in an awe for both the majestic strength of nature and for man resolution to stay alive in the face of its raw power. The audience is given the perspective mostly of Hugh Glass, the assumed protagonist, but not necessarily the hero. The develpment of the story flow well, and the story line simple to understand.

The Development
While Glass scouting ahead alone, he is ambushed by a grizzly bear. He manages to kill the bear but is badly injured, when the party discover him close to death and carry him on a makeshift stretcher. Fitzgerald not agree that they should not carry him along, and tell the party that Glass will not survive his injuries and that they should kill him to speed their journey. But the captian Andrew Henry not willing to kill Glass, Henry offers payment to those who will stay behind with him instead. Fitzgerald, Hawk, and the young Jim Bridger volunteer. Henry has Fitzgerald promise to stay with Glass until he dies and give him a proper burial.
The Pay Off
Huge Glass is seeking revenge for being left for dead by his colleagues and suffering a great loss at their hands. At the end of the movie, Huge Glass took revenge on fitzgerald. This revenge happened, because of Glass is ambushed by a grizzly bear and he is badly injured. Fitzgerald promise to stay with glass until he dies. But fitzgerald tried to smother Glass and kill Hawk. When bridger returns, fitzgerald tell him Hawk is missing. They abandon Glass and continue their journey. When they back to the fort, Fitzgerald tied to Henry that Glass succumbed to his wounds and that Hawk was attacked by the Arikara. Henry pays Fitzgerald his reward, but Bridger refuses payment. Glass was believed still alive and henry organised a search party and leaves to find him. Glass joining henry to find fitzgerald and took revenge on him.
Chow Kwok Keong - Tauke
The Captain of Malaysia Football Team and Asia best defender. He is also the eldest in his family. He is break between wanting to give his family a good life and pursuing his dream in football. In 1976 Malaysia team defeat to South Korea was a painful memory for him, and he swears to do all he can to be in the Olympic Qualifier of the 1980 Games.

A 20 year old who has dedicated his life to the game of football. His dream is to one day wear his idol Samsul's No. 10 jersey. His fiery ambition has made him one of the rising stars in the national team. But this has also turned him into an arrogant over-achiever.
The best goalkeeper in the national team. A 22 year old footballer that his father do not want him to play football, but he still fight for his dream. He is part of the main character in the team.
A 25 year old TV producer on the local football team. She is a typically modern young lady, she came home from the UK with a heart full of ambition in the film and TV industry. But she is soon fed up by the working environment and the financial constraints that she faces. She decide to leave the country again to pursue her dreams. But at the end she decide to stay.
The Set Up
Ola Bola is a movie mainly set in the 1980s era and it depicts the life of a team of dedicated national football players, namely the Harimau Malaya team during their glory days. It also tells the story of a broadcast journalist, Marianne who is tasked with following up on the story of the team, and despite her being already jaded with her current career, decides to perform her ‘final task’ to the best of her abilities. She started to join the team narrate the story of how they trained and having fun together.
The Development
New coach came in and change their position in the team. They are not satisfied with the changes and they lost few matches. They started to realise the strenght, but some want to prove to the coach they can play for that position, so they fight .Tauke cannot take the stress of lossin and fight in the team. Then he choose to left the team. Tauke family are worrired and disappointed about him. After awhile, he realise he was wasting time, and he join back the team and train together.
The Pay Off
It is the Final match between Malaysia and South Korea. Everyone was so exciting of what will be happen during the match. The starting of the game good. One of the Korean player reveal the secret, that Malaysia was boycott. Meaning if they win, they also cannot enter Olympic games. Tauke and Muthu never give up and try to cheer his teamate. At the end they won the match. This match has bring all the Malaysian heart unite and believe we Malaysian can do it.
key development

Tan Xin Kai 1001438114
To critically assess the Genre and Background & Setting of the film. Did it successfully convey? And was it suitable? Could you easily understand the setting?
‘OLA BOLA’ is a local film directed by Chiu Keng Guan, in which it talks about sport, pride and glory. This movie mainly set in the 1970s era and it depicts the life of a team of dedicated national football players, namely the Harimau Malaya team during their glory days.

The movie took place in Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Perak, Sabah and more captures the enchanting and magnificent view of Malaysia in 1980s’ setting, including historical landmarks such as Stadium Merdeka, Victoria Institution, the train ride between Beaufort and Tenom, and the lush greenscapes of Broga Hill in Selangor. Ola Bola has also impressed the audience with the breathtaking shots of Landscape scene during their transitions between plot-driven scenes. Those landscape shots could make you wonder, “Wow, is this really Malaysia?”. Yup, it definitely is! Those scenes might not be necessary but it is an additional eye candies for us to learn that our very own country has had such nice scenic views too. Besides that, an actual '80s-style carnival complete with a Ferris wheel, carousel and game stalls was also constructed for the film. We can relive the fun fair memories during 1980’s. Keeping to its '80s theme, visual effects were extensively used in stadium scenes and in digitally erasing contemporary landmarks to resemble cityscapes of the era.

One of the best thing about the ola bola is the art direction, looking at all of the design which they did, the hair style and the fasion. It was a rather accurate depiction of the era.

Overall view, I think that this movie successfully captured the essence and glory moments during the primetime in Malaysian football history and lifestyle during 1980’s. OlaBola celebrates the unity and courage that inspire a team of Malaysian footballers to rise through all odds and create a most triumphant zero to hero story. The film showcases the pride and passion of a multicultural football team and their struggles to overcome personal and collective hardships. “Kita menang sama-sama, kita kalah pun sama-sama.” This lesson not only apply to the football team, but apply to every Malaysian.
Lim Chau Yang 1001438115
Another great element in the film is the background music and original soundtrack. Featuring epic background music, it made the movie more movingly emotional and touching! Besides, original soundtracks like Zee Avi – Arena Cahaya have also added more delight for the audiences’ tympanic pleasure!

![]() 1980's Fun Fair | ![]() Palm Estate | ![]() Stadium Merdeka | ![]() Kampung House | ![]() Broga Hill | ![]() Train ride between Beaufort and Tenom | ![]() Place for Army Course |
To Critically assess the Cast Design and their individual Character. Was the cast esigned well? Did all characters have a purpose? Were he individal characters well explored? Or lacked depth?

Based on the film ‘Revenant’ directed by Alejandro González iñárritu, and written by Mark L. Smith is about a war between the trappers and Arikara group that happened in 1823.The story begin when a party of trappers lead by Captain Andrew Henry hunts for pelts in Louisiana received a sudden attack by Arikara group. Soon, the emotional, bloody, painful and the struggle to survive shown by Glass in a harsh, cold, and dangerous condition begin.
Leonardo Dicaprio as
Hugh Glass,
the protagonist of the movie, he is one of a trapper who is more familiar with the land of native Americans. But, he is a deep Ru Boni Indians (Pawnee) white life, there have been Indian wife, and a son with her, speaks fluent language Pawnee. Glass, although white, but the safety of his family who kill white officer, and later killed his wife were white, another son also died in the hands of whites. He has no home in the world of whites and Aborigines wander, does not belong to any of the world, while the original "Conservation son live in two worlds," aim in life, but also after the child bereavement disappeared.

And was almost buried alive after rebirth Glass, willing to do anything in order to survive, he more and more like a beast. In addition to the bear after he put on the fur is no different, he is willing to eat willing heating mode, hunting fish method, related to the original nearly killed his bear almost. This is no exit, no comfort of mind, but also to escape the harsh reality in Glass only target of revenge, the only way to bring relief, ending only when the duel, he realized the truth ── accept this world a more powerful force accept fate, to understand their own insignificance and powerlessness. Like seriously injured his mother bear bird, but also had to protect the bear nothing, we can only try to make yourself do the thing, let go to other God..Glass is a loving and protective father for his son and a strong, resilience, resourceful, sharp and clever man to sustain life to reach his goal.

Tom Hardy as
John Fitzgerald ,
the killer of Glass son is the aim of revenge of Glass throughout the movie. Fitzgerald is portrayed by Tom Hardy. In this movie, Fitzgerald bear the accident was seriously injured Hugh Glass as a mortal man, unwilling to chance, Glass hopes to soon give up, die quickly, it seems very cruel, but other colleagues were inside, but also the hearts of a lot of people have a similar judgment those people also do not want to bring a mortal man slowed down, bear Big Sleep, was again attacked Aboriginal risk, Fitzgerald is probably just to make other people do not want to dare to do nothing, but he was past cutting experience scalp, is bound to fear him more than others aboriginal arrested.
Later, when Fitzgerald was found stabbed to death when he was Hawk, looks at first stunned for a moment, I am afraid that is not the intention of the killing Hawk, he was supposed to be only going to take this job to earn money, save enough money to leave early bird life, result Glass has forged with these vendetta. Only say, Fitzgerald probably born with Glass grams character, fate let them die forged hatred, two mortals can only bear to face.Besides. he is also a cruel man when he killed Glass son while being watched by helpless Glass, pulled the seriously injured Glass into a shallow grave and escape for his life. This cause the mercy- less Glass physically and emotionally hurt at the same time.

Domhnall Gleeson
(Andrew Henry)
captain of the party
Will Poulter
(Jim Bridger)
a young trapper
Forrest Goodluck
Glass's son
In my opinion, Glass character is not really well- designed throughout the movie. This is because Glass, a man with a strong vision to kill Fitzgerald ended up not killing Fitzgerald when he suddenly remember Hikuc’s saying: revenge is in the Creator's hands. All his struggles to survive during the harsh condition in order to meet Fitzgerald turn into nothing when he pushes Fitzgerald downstream to spare Fitzgerald’s life. On the other hand, Fitzgerald’s character is well- designed who try to block Glass’s way from the beginning until the end of the movie. He takes the opportunity to kill Glass by being dishonest to Captain Henry and killing Hawk (Glass’s son) which made Glass angry. He also cause Glass pain both emotionally and physically from the beginning until the end.
Apart from that, in order to show the messege of this movie clearly, Glass is designed to have a strong and resilien character (stronger that average human being) when facing a harsh, dangerous and cold winter season in the land of native Americans. This gives the overall movie the sense of holding tightly to one’s vision and being strong enough to survive and even when the condition is harsh. In order to make the story’s climax more appealing, a contrasting character shown by Fitzgerald is designed. He is always against Glass from the beginning of the movie, which lead him to kill Glass’s son and leaving Glass to death in a cold winter season. At the end of the movie, he has a bloody fight with Glass by the icy river bank, Glass almost kill him but decides to spare his life by pushing him downstream.
Besides, I think Glass’s character is not really well- explore. He is badly injured after being mauled by a bear which almost took his life. In the condition of no one take care of him, no medicine and ample food supply, he still managed to get well very soon and is able to move around without getting infection. How can the wounds recover too soon? How can he still managed to move around agilely while trying to escape from Arikara attack? At the same time, Fitzgerald’s character is well- explored when he shows the same motive followed by right actions from the begining until the end of the movie, that is killing Glass.
Based on a local movie “ ola- bola” by Chiu Keng Guan, a spirited director who is passionate about football since he was young. This movie is about a team of young and passionate footballers who has a dream to enter the Moscow Olympic Game in 1980. This lead them to train hard and being disciplin regardless their personal problems as well as work well as a team in order to achive their goal.
Meanwhile, Harry Mountain casted by Mark Williams is a new court of the team. He is a stern and strict court, at the same time gives a lot of motivation and encouragement for his team members to train hard. Beside that, Harry is also a well- strategic court, he plan the move of his team members every night before the practice next day. Harry is passionate about football too like his young team members where he always follow up the latest news about football in front of the old- fashioned televisyen. Harry is dedicated to his team, and he always give his all during the football training in order to get qualified to enter the Moscow Olympic Game in 1980.
From my point of view, Chow Kwok Keong’ s character is not really well- designed. This is because Chow is a skilled and passionate footballer who has a dream to enter international football game. He trains hard every evening even though he has to work at rubber plantation that belongs to his family in the morning. He focused on his training before the Olympic game until his team lose in the match against Korea, which caused by poor teamwork within the team due to his ego. At the same time, discouragement from his sister also caused him to give up the football game before getting the qualification to enter the Olympic Game. These 2 conditions lead Chow to give up on his dream without further thinking, because his purpose of training will stop once he give up. On the other hand, Harry Williams’ s character is well- designed compared to Chow’s character. He is serious and strict to his team members as a court from the beginning until the end of the movie. This is because he want the best for the team under him, that is to train hard and achive the glory.

Chow Kwok Keong send her girlfriend home safely every night.
Sir Harry Mountain is a serious and strict court.
Kwok Keong is comforting his teammate after they lose a game.
Sir Harry was frustrated by the team's performance after they lose their match against Korea.
Sir Harry continue to give support to his team during the match.
The revenant can be called both a revenge and a western movie. In the movie, it celebrates history and tells the story of one man’s adventures in the expansive and unsettled West.
The Filming locations for The Revenant capture the splendor of an epic landscape, and also the tough conditions of survival - and filming - in such a frigid environment. The filmmakers were looking for remote locations to give the feel of wilderness in snowy virgin conditions. The director who used only natural light for the film, pays equal respect to the beauty of the mountains, forest, rivers, wildlife, and natives of the region as he does to Glass’ perseverance. The film's reverence for the scale, aesthetics and fearsome power of nature. The wide shots of fragile Glass in the large forests, plains, and mountains suggest a tribute to the survival ability of man—native and settler alike—in the large expanse of the American West. The movie show how Glass’ combat against the severe winter conditions of the region treated in The Revenant.

This movie inspired by real event from a novel called The Revenant: A tale of Revenge. Revenge is definitely the central motivation in The Revenant, since director Alejandro González Iñárritu centers the film around a fur trapper, Hugh Glass (Leonardo Dicaprio), a frontiersman working in the upper Missouri river area in the early years of the 19th century. On a fur trapping expedition in 1823, he was attacked and mauled by a grizzly bear. He is seeking for revenge after being left for dead by his colleagues and suffering a great loss at their hands.

![]() Bow ValleyA fort was set near Spray Lakes Road, with Castle Rock in the background. | ![]() Fortress MountainThe production had to pack up all its equipment, including a massive crane, to capture shots on Fortress Mountain in Alberta. | ![]() Kootenai FallsFor the scene in which DiCaprio’s character is hunted by Native Americans and flees down a waterfall the production shot at Kootenai Falls near Libby, Montana. | ![]() Canadian BadlandsThey can be seen in the movie in the scene where Hardy’s character, Fitzgerald, sees a meteor streaking across the sky. | ![]() Squamish ValleyThis place used to film the sequence of the bear attack. | ![]() Indian MorleyWhere a battle scene was filmed. |
Chow Kwok Keong is designed to be a passionate, enthusiatic, hard-working, responsible and hot-headed captain. He is strong and determined enough to follow his dream until he finally achieve it, even though there are a lot of obstracles like team work issues and discouragement from his sister that comes to him along the way. This makes the purpose of this movie stronger and clearer, which is we need to hold tightly on our dream regardless the conditions that we face and never give up easily. Mr. Harry, is designed to be a strict, serious, passionate, well-strategic and give-his-all court in this movie. He managed to overcome team work issues in his team and lead them to enter the Olympic Game in Moscow with his encouragement. Mr. Harry’s character managed to bring up the football spirit in this movie, when he wants his team members to train harder and to give the best of them.
Apart from that, I think Chow’s character is not really well- explored. This is because Chow is a skilled footballer, who trains everyday should have a lot of muscles. Chow who is potrailed by JC Chee has a not-really-muscular physical appearance in which does not looked like a skilled and trained foorballer. Besides, when potrailing Chow, JC is shown to get tired easily, which does not show a fit image of a football captain. Meanwhile, Mr Harry’s character, potrailed by Mark William is well-explored when he act like a real court who always give serious stern and motivate his team members after each match. He always looked professional, when he is very clear about the movement of his team members like he had planned the night before practice.

Sir Harry always gives advices to his team member before the match.
The team lead by Kwok Keong train hard everyday.
They are helping each other during the practise before the match.
The team members work as one team during the practise and during the match regardless their personal problems.
Bront Palarae
a sport radio commantator asistant
Eric Yong
(Eric Teng)
a young Sabahan footballer
By Joana Chan Sing Sien 1001335414 & Too Xin Yi 1001231897
On my personal opinion, this movie was well capture and the background setting was well conveyed. The Oscar-winning cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki created the perfect site to capture Glass’ predicament in the 19th century American wilderness. 93% of the movie takes place in exterior locations. It was an incredibly difficult task for a film that takes place entirely outdoors but the hard work of the entire team had been paid off.